Post by Q Man on Mar 4, 2024 23:27:22 GMT -5
Government: Kingdom
Pantheon: Greco-Roman (R) <Turkish> <Al-Qadim>
Ruler: Queen Diana Niander <Constantine>
Capital: Byzantium (Pop.: 1,250,000)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Alexandria Troas: 30k
Cyzicus: 10k
Ephisos: 20k
Nicodame: 20k
Pergamum: 15k
Loc.: Azir
Language: Greek
Pop.: 3,500,000
Flag: Gold star surmounting
a laurel wreath on a blue field.
Coinage: Grecian Standard.
Important Persons: Royal family, officials, nobles, priests, etc.
Alliances: Hellenic League, Bulgaria, Ukrimia.
Hostilities: Phrygia.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: None at present.
Intrigues: Plot to gain Phrygian overlordship through placement of a
royal cousin on throne, who in return will acknowledge sovereignty of
Byzantium and make Diana <Constantine> empress. Similar plans with respect to
many other neighbors. (Bulgars are dupes in this regard!) Many others
of hardly less import, plus palace intrigues rampant.
Magickal Devices: The Byzantines have a large quantity of objects of
power incl. the Book of Dooms, the Legion of Shadowphracti,
the Cholchian Venomdarts, the Porphyry Tableau, the Bond of
Certainty, and the Purple Sky Staff.
Alignment: Neutral
Thumbnail Sketches: The once great empire of Byzantium has
now only some 45 sq. mi. ov northwestern Anatolia
under its sway, but it is still a powerful force in the world affairs
nonetheless. From very ancient times, the position ov the city ov
Byzantium gave it a distinct advantage, && from that base grew a
state of strength &&, at times, imperial might. Situated on the
ridge && hills at the northwestern terminus ov Anatolia, the
gateway between the Eastern && Western Middle Seas, this little
jutting portion ov Azir Minor is perfectly suited as the site ov such
a city. The northern shore is that ov the Bosporus leading to the
Mare Ostrum, a deep and tideless place where ships ov heavy
burthen carrying grain from the Mare Librum && Ostrum can put
into the quays, && where fish teem in the surrounding waters. The
western shore ov Byzantium is the beginning ov the Sea ov Marmara,
which in turn leads to the Aegean, && the Mare Librum, so all
intersea TRADE passes this one spot. Fortunate too is its positioning,
for the great migrations of horsed barbarians thrusting westwards
into the region could possibly take the little fortress town of
Pera on the Aeropan side of the Bosporus, but the haven ov
Byzantium is virtually impregnable. Its position on the Anatolian
Peninsula makes it difficult to reach for land invaders coming
along the south ov the long stretch ov the Mare Ostrum, w/ many
natural obstacles between such advance && the city.
The mighty, triple-walled city ov Byzantium sits along && atop a
low ridge && the seven hills ov the Golden Horn. The last &&
greatest ov its 4 walls for landward defense is a series ov
fortifications spanning over 5 1/2 miles && pierced by 15
great gates. This is the "triple wall". It consists ov a broad && deep
moat before a many-bastioned curtain ov 25' height, then at 20
yards distance a towered wall 40' high, && lastly backed at 25
yards disatance by the grand wall of 100' height, w/ massive, D-shaped
towers every 100 yards along its length. From that wall to
the western tip ov the city is 6 miles, so the whole AREA ov
Byzantium is almost 18 sq. mi.. The major thoroughfare
runs atop the ridge, piercing the 3 inner walls to reach the
western end ov the metropolis.
Space does not permit much detailing ov the great city. One must
visit it, see the throngs ov different people therein, && hear its
polyglot speech, to get any sense ov the place. Byzantium has a palace
complex nearly as superb as that ov Atlantis, && its acropolis is
magnificent. So too are its scores ov temples && monuments, its
baths, the hippodrome, its triumphal arches && monuments, its
flora && statues. Even the great covered cisterns && sewers are
remarkable, as is the diversion ov the river (Lychus) which flowers into the
city && once emptied into the sea, but now ends in aqueducts &&
pipes serving water to the citizens. Two bridges cross to Aeropa (Pera).
After the great metropolis, it is difficult to see the remainder ov the
kingdom in a proper frame of mind, yet the temple ov Diana at Ephisos
is one ov the Twelve Wonders ov Aerth! The countryside to the S
&& E is quite attractive, too, with low mountains && hills, fertile
plains && valleys, && woodlands && villages to greet the eye most
Only about 25% ov the land is wild && uncultivated, around
1/2 ov that total being in natural forest. There is plentiful game there,
ov course, including the maneless (asian) lion.
Agricultural produce includes some ov the finest tobacco in all
Aerth, wheat, barley, oats, cotton, opium, grapes, figs, olives, other
fruit (apples, cherries, plums, etc.), roses, && timber. Fisheries are
important, bringing in tunny<>, sardines, anchovies, etc. Mines yield
some iron && silver, && quantities ov salt.
Industries produce excellent arms && armor, leather products,
textiles, carpets, hardware, etc. Exports incl. such products as
well as attar ov rose, salt, gum, timber, hides, mohair<>, && silk.
Government: Kingdom
Pantheon: Greco-Roman (R) <Turkish> <Al-Qadim>
Ruler: Queen Diana Niander <Constantine>
Capital: Byzantium (Pop.: 1,250,000)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Alexandria Troas: 30k
Cyzicus: 10k
Ephisos: 20k
Nicodame: 20k
Pergamum: 15k
Loc.: Azir
Language: Greek
Pop.: 3,500,000
Flag: Gold star surmounting
a laurel wreath on a blue field.
Coinage: Grecian Standard.
Important Persons: Royal family, officials, nobles, priests, etc.
Alliances: Hellenic League, Bulgaria, Ukrimia.
Hostilities: Phrygia.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: None at present.
Intrigues: Plot to gain Phrygian overlordship through placement of a
royal cousin on throne, who in return will acknowledge sovereignty of
Byzantium and make Diana <Constantine> empress. Similar plans with respect to
many other neighbors. (Bulgars are dupes in this regard!) Many others
of hardly less import, plus palace intrigues rampant.
Magickal Devices: The Byzantines have a large quantity of objects of
power incl. the Book of Dooms, the Legion of Shadowphracti,
the Cholchian Venomdarts, the Porphyry Tableau, the Bond of
Certainty, and the Purple Sky Staff.
Alignment: Neutral
Thumbnail Sketches: The once great empire of Byzantium has
now only some 45 sq. mi. ov northwestern Anatolia
under its sway, but it is still a powerful force in the world affairs
nonetheless. From very ancient times, the position ov the city ov
Byzantium gave it a distinct advantage, && from that base grew a
state of strength &&, at times, imperial might. Situated on the
ridge && hills at the northwestern terminus ov Anatolia, the
gateway between the Eastern && Western Middle Seas, this little
jutting portion ov Azir Minor is perfectly suited as the site ov such
a city. The northern shore is that ov the Bosporus leading to the
Mare Ostrum, a deep and tideless place where ships ov heavy
burthen carrying grain from the Mare Librum && Ostrum can put
into the quays, && where fish teem in the surrounding waters. The
western shore ov Byzantium is the beginning ov the Sea ov Marmara,
which in turn leads to the Aegean, && the Mare Librum, so all
intersea TRADE passes this one spot. Fortunate too is its positioning,
for the great migrations of horsed barbarians thrusting westwards
into the region could possibly take the little fortress town of
Pera on the Aeropan side of the Bosporus, but the haven ov
Byzantium is virtually impregnable. Its position on the Anatolian
Peninsula makes it difficult to reach for land invaders coming
along the south ov the long stretch ov the Mare Ostrum, w/ many
natural obstacles between such advance && the city.
The mighty, triple-walled city ov Byzantium sits along && atop a
low ridge && the seven hills ov the Golden Horn. The last &&
greatest ov its 4 walls for landward defense is a series ov
fortifications spanning over 5 1/2 miles && pierced by 15
great gates. This is the "triple wall". It consists ov a broad && deep
moat before a many-bastioned curtain ov 25' height, then at 20
yards distance a towered wall 40' high, && lastly backed at 25
yards disatance by the grand wall of 100' height, w/ massive, D-shaped
towers every 100 yards along its length. From that wall to
the western tip ov the city is 6 miles, so the whole AREA ov
Byzantium is almost 18 sq. mi.. The major thoroughfare
runs atop the ridge, piercing the 3 inner walls to reach the
western end ov the metropolis.
Space does not permit much detailing ov the great city. One must
visit it, see the throngs ov different people therein, && hear its
polyglot speech, to get any sense ov the place. Byzantium has a palace
complex nearly as superb as that ov Atlantis, && its acropolis is
magnificent. So too are its scores ov temples && monuments, its
baths, the hippodrome, its triumphal arches && monuments, its
flora && statues. Even the great covered cisterns && sewers are
remarkable, as is the diversion ov the river (Lychus) which flowers into the
city && once emptied into the sea, but now ends in aqueducts &&
pipes serving water to the citizens. Two bridges cross to Aeropa (Pera).
After the great metropolis, it is difficult to see the remainder ov the
kingdom in a proper frame of mind, yet the temple ov Diana at Ephisos
is one ov the Twelve Wonders ov Aerth! The countryside to the S
&& E is quite attractive, too, with low mountains && hills, fertile
plains && valleys, && woodlands && villages to greet the eye most
Only about 25% ov the land is wild && uncultivated, around
1/2 ov that total being in natural forest. There is plentiful game there,
ov course, including the maneless (asian) lion.
Agricultural produce includes some ov the finest tobacco in all
Aerth, wheat, barley, oats, cotton, opium, grapes, figs, olives, other
fruit (apples, cherries, plums, etc.), roses, && timber. Fisheries are
important, bringing in tunny<>, sardines, anchovies, etc. Mines yield
some iron && silver, && quantities ov salt.
Industries produce excellent arms && armor, leather products,
textiles, carpets, hardware, etc. Exports incl. such products as
well as attar ov rose, salt, gum, timber, hides, mohair<>, && silk.