Post by El Borak on Mar 2, 2024 23:52:46 GMT -5
Gummint: Duchy, Sovereign
Pantheon: Greco-Roman (R)
Leader: Walter III
Capital: Brescia (Pop.: 40k)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Bergamo: 10k
Bolzano: 15k
Cremona: 15k
Innsbruck: 15k
Mantua: 20k
Trento: 20k
Loc.: Aeropa
Language: Latideutsch
Pop.: 450k
Flag: A lion's head w/
long beard and mane ov
red-gold, on a purple field.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (lyans)
Thumbnail Sketches: This relatively small realm ov some 10K ||
so sq. mi. rests in the Alps, reaching from Germania to the
Italic realms to the S. It is a forested && scenic country whose
wilds teem with game (bears, boars, deer, etc.) && whose streams
are filled with fish. Its small cities are very quaint, those ov the N
showing Teutonic influence, those southwards a distinct Italic style
&& influence.
The Lombards (originally Langobards), a migrating tribe ov Teutonic
stock, eventually settled into the AREA as the masters ov a
pop. which was bassically ov Italic sort. Over the centuries, the
2 peoples have gradually merged in the central region but are more
Germanic to the N, Italic to the S. The culture is typically
feudal, although the vast majority ov the volk are free peasants.
Agriculture is ov considerable importance. Crops ov wheat, barley,
oats, && rye are grown, && veggies are raised mainly for internal
consumption, incl. the potato, carrot, etc. Flax && hemp are
widely cultivated. Vineyards are general, as are orchards && groves
ov olive, apple, pear, plum, walnut, && chestnut. Mulberries are grown
for the culture of silkworms. Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, && horses
constitute the principal livestock, w/ poultry being kept on a small
scale. Apiaries are seen everywhere, && these develop good honey
&& fine wax.
Timber ops produce many sorts of wood && associated
products such as paper. Quarries yield good building stone, marble,
&& very fine alabaster. Mines produce iron, copper, && zinc. Some
small amount ov good garnet is also mined in this land.
The main xport products ov Lombardy are alabaster, iron &&
metalwork, fruits && preserves, cheese, grain, livestock, && lumber.
Gummint: Duchy, Sovereign
Pantheon: Greco-Roman (R)
Leader: Walter III
Capital: Brescia (Pop.: 40k)
Other Cities (and pop.):
Bergamo: 10k
Bolzano: 15k
Cremona: 15k
Innsbruck: 15k
Mantua: 20k
Trento: 20k
Loc.: Aeropa
Language: Latideutsch
Pop.: 450k
Flag: A lion's head w/
long beard and mane ov
red-gold, on a purple field.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (lyans)
Thumbnail Sketches: This relatively small realm ov some 10K ||
so sq. mi. rests in the Alps, reaching from Germania to the
Italic realms to the S. It is a forested && scenic country whose
wilds teem with game (bears, boars, deer, etc.) && whose streams
are filled with fish. Its small cities are very quaint, those ov the N
showing Teutonic influence, those southwards a distinct Italic style
&& influence.
The Lombards (originally Langobards), a migrating tribe ov Teutonic
stock, eventually settled into the AREA as the masters ov a
pop. which was bassically ov Italic sort. Over the centuries, the
2 peoples have gradually merged in the central region but are more
Germanic to the N, Italic to the S. The culture is typically
feudal, although the vast majority ov the volk are free peasants.
Agriculture is ov considerable importance. Crops ov wheat, barley,
oats, && rye are grown, && veggies are raised mainly for internal
consumption, incl. the potato, carrot, etc. Flax && hemp are
widely cultivated. Vineyards are general, as are orchards && groves
ov olive, apple, pear, plum, walnut, && chestnut. Mulberries are grown
for the culture of silkworms. Cattle, sheep, goats, swine, && horses
constitute the principal livestock, w/ poultry being kept on a small
scale. Apiaries are seen everywhere, && these develop good honey
&& fine wax.
Timber ops produce many sorts of wood && associated
products such as paper. Quarries yield good building stone, marble,
&& very fine alabaster. Mines produce iron, copper, && zinc. Some
small amount ov good garnet is also mined in this land.
The main xport products ov Lombardy are alabaster, iron &&
metalwork, fruits && preserves, cheese, grain, livestock, && lumber.