Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Aug 29, 2018 15:24:50 GMT -5
Netflix's [ Bright], a fantasy-based modern day gritty cop drama. I'm just curious about this film and how everyone felt about it.
1. Were you aware of this film before it's release?
2. If you answered yes to #1 were you anticipating, neutral, or against seeing it?
3. Have you seen the movie?
4. If yes, how long did you wait after release?
5. Briefly, how did you feel about it? (e.g. enjoyed, disliked, meh, etc.)
6. Have you seen it more than once?
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Aug 29, 2018 15:27:23 GMT -5
1. Were you aware of this film before it's release? Yes.
2. If you answered yes to #1 were you anticipating, neutral, or against seeing it? Anticipating.
3. Have you seen the movie? Yes.
4. If yes, how long did you wait after release? A few days.
5. Briefly, how did you feel about it? (e.g. enjoyed, disliked, meh, etc.) I enjoyed it, and would like to see more films set in this milieu.
6. Have you seen it more than once? Yes, twice.
Post by Irish Warrior on Aug 29, 2018 17:18:27 GMT -5
I've never even heard of this, I see it is supposed to be on Netflix, so I will check it out and tell you what I think.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Aug 29, 2018 18:36:08 GMT -5
Netflix's [ Bright], a fantasy-based modern day gritty cop drama. I'm just curious about this film and how everyone felt about it.
1. Were you aware of this film before it's release? Yes.
2. If you answered yes to #1 were you anticipating, neutral, or against seeing it? neutral.
3. Have you seen the movie? Not yet.
4. If yes, how long did you wait after release? null.
5. Briefly, how did you feel about it? (e.g. enjoyed, disliked, meh, etc.) Null
6. Have you seen it more than once? Null
I do hope to see it soon.
Post by El Borak on Aug 30, 2018 10:52:56 GMT -5
I want to see this too, thanks for the heads up.