Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Feb 7, 2018 20:09:36 GMT -5
Beyond White Stars, Stars without numbers, the OSR rules for Strange stars & the few OD&D based Sci-Fi/Swords & Planets RPGs out there; has anyone done their own hack of either OD&D or B/X? And if so what kind of setting have you done with them? I am more concerned with home-brew than for profit games on DriveThruRPG & other distros.
I am considering doing a Cyberpunk Hack of either OD&D or B/X with house rules needed for it; for my own table & develop a setting for it drawing from inspiration via film, comics/manga & art. Beyond the Blade Runner films, I am taking inspiration from Gamers, the Death Race remakes, Dredd/Judge Dredd films, Demolition Man & aspects of Sword Art Online series. I plan on doing a brief write up for a potential cyberpunk Old D&D style game, so I don't need to run it with Cyberspace or Cyberpunk 2020. The setting will have some minor Post-Apocalyptic elements & be fairly Grim Dark in tone but I plan to incorporate various in game options to give players avenues of play instead of just Inter-corporate espionage/sabotage, street level crime & business building.
I'd love to hear about what you've done with OD&D & B/X to create a non-fantasy campaign with those rules.
Post by Mighty Darci on Feb 8, 2018 1:50:44 GMT -5
Sounds like fun to me, hope someone(s) can help you out with ideas.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Feb 8, 2018 4:04:29 GMT -5
I hope so too Mighty Darci. I have to go through both the OD&D & B/X rules to decide which I prefer the campaign, but the setting should be easy, I just need to work up the overview of the setting; I have some solid ideas for it I just have to get them typed up. One of the things I want to try is create things that give character to the world but also open doors to different styles of play. From getting arrested, charged & convicted of serious crimes against the Corporate City Council laws or choosing to volunteer to star in various in game Blood sports inspired by the 'Gamers', 'Death race', 'The running man' & 'Sword Art Online' for money, fame & freedom (if a convict). Also "caravan" guard style jobs, but protecting armored Rig based caravans or trains travelling between Mega-Cities/Sprawls, fighting off bandits, mutants, Corporate agents or warlords of the wastes. Maybe doing bodyguard & detective scenarios as well. The rules I need to figure out most are combat based, especially concerning modern weapons & vehicle combat (I do have ideas for the weapons damage rules, but i need to figure out - rates of fire (if they are needed or I can just assume damage is the shot or shots that hit in a burst) & how to work damage between types of weapons ( I am thinking 1d6, but critical hit rage depending on lethality of weapon & potential save vs. Death or die). I want to keep the house rules minimal, easy to remember & quick to use. Another thing is "Net-running/Hacking rules" since that is a major trope in cyberpunk but I want it easy & quick to 1) let the hacker get spot light & 2) minimalize boredom of the other players during hacking phase. I think I can keep the second part minimalized by giving the other players things to do - such as have one player "GM" threats to the core players & hacker in the mundane world during the phase. I'll have all needed info for the netrun pre-planned to make things easy & quick. I'll likely study various cyberpunk RPG netrunning/hacking rules to see what works & what does not...but they need to be easy & quick - fitting the OD&D or B/X style of play (no ton of rule sub-systems to plug into the game). I'll also need to create key factions: corporations, gangs & others to populate the core city; plus have the players help create some during character creation via a life-path or playbooks style mechanic - which won't effect running the game it self but will increase character generation time. I am inspired by the game 'Beyond the Wall and other adventures' RPG, the way they crafted their game is awesome. But this is still in the idea phase; again I want to keep it quick & easy, but deadly like OD&D & B/X already are.
Post by Robert the Black on Feb 8, 2018 15:23:33 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks.
Post by Mighty Darci on Feb 9, 2018 10:02:23 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. I'd play in that if I had the time or at least if it was possible to make the time.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Feb 9, 2018 14:55:46 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. That sounds like fun, though I have zero experience with both Arduin & Metamorphosis Alpha - even in just owning them; but I've owned 3e GW before. I'll have to look into Arduin though, I've heard good things about it (except the Arduin Eternal version).
Post by Admin Pete on Feb 9, 2018 21:45:18 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. That sounds like fun, though I have zero experience with both Arduin & Metamorphosis Alpha - even in just owning them; but I've owned 3e GW before. I'll have to look into Arduin though, I've heard good things about it (except the Arduin Eternal version). Ardiun is a grab bag. If you or I wrote down every idea and then published it there would gold and dross both and that is what Arduin is basically an unedited glorious mess of the good, the bad and the ugly. Use what you like and leave the rest.
Post by Dartanian on Feb 10, 2018 23:25:03 GMT -5
Arduin could be referred to as the Full Gonzo. I would have loved to have been in Arneson's circle or Hargrave's circle. Both must have been mind blowing.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Feb 10, 2018 23:38:08 GMT -5
I would have loved to be in Arneson's circle,playing in his Blackmoor as it was meant to be played in.
Post by The Master on Feb 11, 2018 21:30:19 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. I'd play in that if I had the time or at least if it was possible to make the time. Me too! I would love it.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Feb 11, 2018 22:13:20 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. Robert the Black, what would you keep from each of the above games content-wise to create a Post-Apocalyptic game, while using tweaked OD&D rules? I am fan fan of RIFTS bur I can't bring myself to run it, though I own many of the books in print. It isn't that I dislike the rules, it is that it is so bloated & cluttered, that it doesn't appeal to me. It lost the P-A feel, with the mutants, raiders & cabals of sorcerers vibe it billed itself in the old Grey Book. Every time I am tempted to trim back the bloat, I realize the people I'd run it for would want the options added by the World Book bloat. I had intended to use a fusion of Rolemaster2, Spacemaster2 & Cyberspace to run a home-brewed P-A setting but other the last year I've grown tired of crunchy rules & charts. I want to instead pare down to OD&D or a clone of it & mash it with a White Box sci-fi rule-set to run such a game. Setting-wise I am still unsure - though Robert your proposal sounds intriguing & would love to know how you'd do the mash-up. I have some tingling of an idea but nothing solid enough to work up yet.
Post by Robert the Black on Feb 21, 2018 11:02:07 GMT -5
I have thought that a mashup of OD&D, Gamma World, Arduin and Metamorphosis Alpha would make a great post-apocalyptic game. Use the familiar OD&D mechanics with small tweaks. Robert the Black , what would you keep from each of the above games content-wise to create a Post-Apocalyptic game, while using tweaked OD&D rules? I am fan fan of RIFTS bur I can't bring myself to run it, though I own many of the books in print. It isn't that I dislike the rules, it is that it is so bloated & cluttered, that it doesn't appeal to me. It lost the P-A feel, with the mutants, raiders & cabals of sorcerers vibe it billed itself in the old Grey Book. Every time I am tempted to trim back the bloat, I realize the people I'd run it for would want the options added by the World Book bloat. I had intended to use a fusion of Rolemaster2, Spacemaster2 & Cyberspace to run a home-brewed P-A setting but other the last year I've grown tired of crunchy rules & charts. I want to instead pare down to OD&D or a clone of it & mash it with a White Box sci-fi rule-set to run such a game. Setting-wise I am still unsure - though Robert your proposal sounds intriguing & would love to know how you'd do the mash-up. I have some tingling of an idea but nothing solid enough to work up yet. Thank you for the interest, I have not worked it all out by any means, but I want to keep most of the OD&D mechanics with tweaks and then add the mechanics I need for the Gamma World and MA stuff. Arduin has a boatload of ideas to pick and choose from, great tables for treasure, tons of ideas for magic. I want the mutants and tech from all over time. Take a while to work out, but those are the basics and there are dozens of other things that will also have an idea or table opted in.