Post by captaincrumbcake on May 22, 2017 11:28:12 GMT -5
www.youtube.com/channel/UC58vcumHuz1SJqDewjyESQQI stumbled upon this series, channel, about 2 weeks ago. And found it fascinating to hear the thoughts of an avid D&D player--without all the negativity that has become customary of too many forums. If you have the time, and want to just sit, listen, sip some of your favorite drink, snack on your favorite snack, then I recommend these videos. Will you agree with everything? No. And as the content creator expresses literally or subliminally, neither should you.
Post by Admin Pete on May 22, 2017 11:43:53 GMT -5
www.youtube.com/channel/UC58vcumHuz1SJqDewjyESQQI stumbled upon this series, channel, about 2 weeks ago. And found it fascinating to hear the thoughts of an avid D&D player--without all the negativity that has become customary of too many forums. If you have the time, and want to just sit, listen, sip some of your favorite drink, snack on your favorite snack, then I recommend these videos. Will you agree with everything? No. And as the content creator expresses literally or subliminally, neither should you. Thank you for the link, I will give it a viewing.
Post by Mighty Darci on May 22, 2017 22:14:45 GMT -5
Thank you captaincrumbcake, I have listened to one of them so far and it was pretty good. An English teacher and he uses D&D to teach English, must be a pretty good school system he works for.