Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 2, 2019 22:28:02 GMT -5
Since my computer issues began and my mom’s health worsened and eventually died, I haven’t been on here much or worked on anything thing game related solidly for awhile. But I need to change that, so I have begun work on a new setting.
My issue is that I want it rooted in OD&D 3LBB yet since I want to create a science fantasy themed setting I feel Dwarfs, Elves and Halflings don’t fit but I could always reskin them or change their background to fit into my setting idea. Any advice on how to make it work with the traditional races or just suggest that I reskin them would be appreciated.
Post by mao on Nov 3, 2019 4:45:27 GMT -5
Since my computer issues began and my mom’s health worsened and eventually died, I haven’t been on here much or worked on anything thing game related solidly for awhile. But I need to change that, so I have begun work on a new setting. My issue is that I want it rooted in OD&D 3LBB yet since I want to create a science fantasy themed setting I feel Dwarfs, Elves and Halflings don’t fit but I could always reskin them or change their background to fit into my setting idea. Any advice on how to make it work with the traditional races or just suggest that I reskin them would be appreciated. My long running Mysantia game didn't have traditional races and it was fine but this is the kind of hing that might turn new players off
Post by hengest on Nov 3, 2019 7:04:51 GMT -5
You could kinda steal from Weiss and Hickman (and Star Trek) and declare that when humanity became spacefaring the demihumans either showed themselves or were somehow discovered.
Post by The Perilous Dreamer on Nov 6, 2019 15:39:05 GMT -5
Or you could look to the fiction that you enjoy, take the fantasy races that most appealed to you and then work up your own vision of several original races for your game.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 6, 2019 22:27:49 GMT -5
I think that I better give you all more info on the setting so that you have a better idea what I am going for.
First, when I say Science Fantasy I mean in the vein of a post apocalyptic fantasy setting where magic powers technology but where much of the magical and technological lore is “lost”. I am taking inspiration from what I read of Dying Earth and a few comics or animation.
There are numerous sky islands and other wonders that populate the world. Portals to the “underworld” and other planes of existence and possibly other worlds as well. The monsters flooded into the world after a great cataclysm that broke the seals locking the portals closed.
The core classes are present including Paladins and thieves plus a few homebrew classes. My issues are the races and if they would fit the setting. I love Elves and Dwarfs but I am not sure traditional versions would fit into my concept of the setting. I like the concept of magically modified and bioengineered races. I can reskin the races like I will do for many monsters. But I am still open to including Elves and Dwarfs still.
Post by mao on Nov 7, 2019 5:35:43 GMT -5
I think that I better give you all more info on the setting so that you have a better idea what I am going for. First, when I say Science Fantasy I mean in the vein of a post apocalyptic fantasy setting where magic powers technology but where much of the magical and technological lore is “lost”. I am taking inspiration from what I read of Dying Earth and a few comics or animation. There are numerous sky islands and other wonders that populate the world. Portals to the “underworld” and other planes of existence and possibly other worlds as well. The monsters flooded into the world after a great cataclysm that broke the seals locking the portals closed. The core classes are present including Paladins and thieves plus a few homebrew classes. My issues are the races and if they would fit the setting. I love Elves and Dwarfs but I am not sure traditional versions would fit into my concept of the setting. I like the concept of magically modified and bioengineered races. I can reskin the races like I will do for many monsters. But I am still open to including Elves and Dwarfs still. Am I seeing a little of Bakshi's Wizards" ?
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 8, 2019 1:33:09 GMT -5
Post by mao on Nov 8, 2019 8:05:41 GMT -5
One of the best movies ever, I've watched it prob 30+ times and actually saw it in the theaters at a midnight show in Philly.
Post by The Perilous Dreamer on Nov 8, 2019 12:23:34 GMT -5
There are numerous sky islands and other wonders that populate the world. Portals to the “underworld” and other planes of existence and possibly other worlds as well. Love me some sky islands and portals and other planes of existence and definitely give me an infinite number of other worlds.
Post by The Perilous Dreamer on Nov 8, 2019 12:35:18 GMT -5
From Pinterest:
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 9, 2019 14:52:48 GMT -5
Here is a glimpse of a potential direction that this setting might go if I keep the Traditional D&D races:
"Ranûk is a vast world of nine continents – both big and small; though once dominated by a global elfin empire it is now dominated by monster plagued wilds. The world is dotted by geological wonders created by the gods during the age of God Kings, though the old gods were sacrificed to seal the world from the divine realms the wonders live on. Floating islands in the sky, colossi crafted by the gods and portals to the divine realms – all creations by the gods’ long dead, are a constant reminder of their power.
While under the dominion of a global elfin empire the world was left largely pristine in its primeval majesty, humans were kept in check – often seen as useful fodder to keep the monsters populations down that had snuck into the world via cracks in the seals that allowed magic to flow into the world and to serve as the lower casts of the imperial elfin empire. Humans now are free to create their own realms and cultures, free of elfin interference; some have devolved into barbarism and into nomadic tribes, while others have overthrown their form elfin lieges and founded their own city-states in the remnants of their old cities; those not reduced to ruins and plagued by monsters – that is. Orks now rival humans for control of much of lands and their resources, yet Orks have a distinct disadvantage – they are nocturnal and are hampered by bright light. They may control the night, but humans control the day.
Human realms and nascent tribal alliances are still held in check – this time by inhuman tribes and monsters that rule the wilderness beyond their city-state and tribal dominions; though humans are slowly expanding their realms, but those who do so, do so with the aid of Dwarven & Gnomish technology and elfin sky ships and other magical artifacts that the humans now control.
Elfin imperial ruins dot the world hiding their magical secrets and treasures within their monster haunted depths. Dwarven rail still connect many surviving city-states and ruins and Dwarfs have joined expeditions to the various ruins with human Ruin Delvers to help repair these lines and reclaim lost Dwarven and Gnomish relics.
Wealthy and experienced Ruin Delvers will hire or buy an elfin sky ship to reach ruins that dot the numerous sky islands. These sky islands were once home to elfin strongholds or wizard towers; as such they draw Ruin Delvers like moths to a flame. Dwarven strongholds under the dominion of chaotic Orks, goblins and dragons draw both Dwarven & human Ruin Delvers seeking to free them or loot their treasures."
Of the largest of the continents of the World of Ranûk is Orskôg which has one of the largest concentrations of human based realms. Orskôg lies in the northern hemisphere of the world of Ranûk and it is dotted by numerous geographic wonders, such as the Waste of Monoliths, Mount of Death, the sky island cluster of Arghēsōs and numerous others.
Another northern continent is Xô-þûn to the east of Orskôg and is home numerous human and inhuman nomadic tribes and a small number of city-states that dot mainly it’s western and eastern coasts – monsters and Wood Elves rule the vast central wilds of Xô-þûn.
To the west of Orskôg lie the smaller northern island continents of Þarjûn, Arkog and Xîn-Yôs. Arkog is a mountainous continent with a link to the elemental plane of fire and is dominated by Giants, Orks and other inhuman races. The Elves never controlled Arkog as it wasn’t a threat to their empire and any elves that dwell there are Wood Elves and the humans are either barbarians or cave dwelling primitives, often taken as slaves. Xîn-Yôs is home to Elves and other fey creatures and no human is allowed entry – even Orks and Low Elves are forbidden here. Þarjûn is dominated by Wild Elves, humans – both Barbarian and civilized; Orks and Giants. Outside Xîn-Yôs High Elves are rare, none dwell in Arkog, but there are a few small bastions of High Elves in Orskôg, Xô-þûn and Þarjûn.
In the southern hemisphere of Ranûk lie the continents of Jangara, Mong-Zhuul, Lô-Tan and Kaðak. Arkog straddles the equator so lies in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Lô-Tan is another elfin island continent but its Wild Elves are jungle dwellers and are far more primitive and savage than their northern kin. Jangara is the largest and most diverse continent in the southern hemisphere – both in terms of population and geological regions. Mong-Zhuul is dominated by jungles and mountains, as such Wild Elves dominate much of the island continent but both humans and Orks hold sway outside the jungle interior. Kaðak is the most southern of the continents and is a mountainous region with frozen wastes dominating its southern tip. Dwarves, Orks and Giants dominate this island continent; but humans dwell in largely nomadic tribes or as slaves for Orks.
Again this is a potential direction but I might type up a version sans the traditional races & modify elements of this write up. What do you think?
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 9, 2019 14:56:51 GMT -5
Here is the bulk of my documents Introduction to add more clarification to what I was going for when I wrote up this initial setting write up:
The Adventures in the World of Ranûk or simply the World of Ranûk is my attempt to create a setting for my personal Original Edition campaigns. I wanted a setting that was true to the spirit of Original Edition but not beholden to the default assumptions as presented in the example wandering monster lists as other “Old School Revival/Renaissance” (OSR) games and posts on blogs. That said I did want to draw upon those assumptions and use them as inspiration for my own take on them. So there will be no Barsoonian elements and nomads are not limited to mundane deserts.
Alignment will be based around the Law=Good and Chaos=Evil axis, with Neutrality being rooted in Natural Law (Lex Natura) compared to National Law (Lex Populi) of which Law (Good) represents in my setting. Chaos (evil) is rooted in destruction, discord, tyranny and the infernal in my world, whereas Neutrality is not good, evil, light, or dark – it is both creative and at times destructive. An Elf killing an intruder unless they are “Lawful” rationalizes it as “just” for the “good” of their community, whereas a Lawful Elf would escort the intruder beyond their borders instead; unless they posed an immanent danger to their survival (say a Dragon or large band of Goblins).
Technology and magic coexist within the World of Ranûk, both Dwarfs and Gnomes fuse magic to their technology in order to empower or strengthen their creations. They sell various magically powered technologies and their mundane counterparts to humans and other Lawful or Neutral peoples to gain trade items that they cannot produce in abundance in their mountainous or hilly environs and because of the constant threat of Infernal incursions into their realms from below.
Elves are divided into three core sub-races, the Lawful High Elves, Neutral Wood and Low Elves (a magically created sub-race of elf); plus a forth hybrid elfin sub-race – the Half-Elves. Half-Elves are either the product of rape or the rare coupling of an elfin male wanderer and a beautiful human woman. That said up until the recent timeline in my setting Half-Elves were far more common, as they were created to act as liaisons between human vassals and their elfin imperial overlords. High Elves and Wood Elves rarely leave their homelands except of quests of some sort; while Half-Elves and Low Elves are frequently seen as adventurers as it is their only means of gaining funds to build lives with initially. Low Elves as a magically created race of Elves lack the connection to the Fey Lands and thus cannot tap into Fey/Nature magic. "
There are no Halflings in my setting, though there is a stand in race that is very similar – Hobs aka Hobgoblins. They are neutral counterparts to their chaos tainted kin, goblins. Nobody knows which came first the Hobs or Goblins, though many sages believe that Hobs came first and only are called Hobgoblins to show they are “Goodly”. Hobs often live in human cities among the Low Elf community, which are often the poorest districts of the city or in nomadic caravans. Like the Low Elves, they are often thieves, prostitutes, slaves, soldiers, fishermen and laborers.
Orks like in Elder Scrolls are feral elves and are aligned with the Gods of Fury; thus they are either neutral or chaotic in nature. The neutral Orks often live in barbarian tribes or in human communities as slaves, soldiers, mercenaries, sailors, merchants, combat trainers, gladiators (freeborn or slave) and either bodyguards or bounty hunters; while their chaotic kin live in cruel barbarian tribes or serve in chaotic aligned human realms as soldiers. Half-Orks are growing more and more common in nature, because of their interaction with humans.
Magic has three main divisions – Arcane, Divine and Fey/Nature. Wood Elves can only tap into Fey/Nature Magic, while Dwarfs, Gnomes and High Elves can tap into both Arcane and Divine Magic; whereas humans, Half-Orks and Half-Elves can tap into all three. Orks can only tap into Arcane and Fey/Nature Magic; yet Hobs and Low Elves can only tap into Arcane Magic and very rarely Divine magic.
The divine is split into three factions – the Cult of Light, the Cults of Neutrality and Cults of Darkness. The Cult of Light is centered on the God of Light and Law – Ossûð (Os-sooth) and his family of young gods. The Cults of Neutrality are numerous in number and center around nature and concepts that do not fall under Law (Good) and Chaos (Evil). The Cults of Darkness is centered on the God of Darkness and Corruption – Vurog (Vur-rog) and various demonic powers.
The World of Ranûk is steeped in magic but much of the lore was lost in the great cataclysm but magic itself flows through everything. Islands hang in the sky defying gravity and some seem to be connected to the plane of Water creating rivers of water flowing from deep within the islands and pouring over the side into lakes, rivers or oceans below. There are numerous portals linking Ranûk to other worlds and various locations upon Ranûk to each other; many now lie within elfin ruins.
Post by raikenclw on Nov 13, 2019 6:46:32 GMT -5
As far as Halflings/Hobbits go: Were you aware that remains of what appears to be the shortest (~3'6-7") and smallest (~55 lbs) human species were discovered in the mid-2000s on the island of Flores in Indonesia? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_floresiensisIn the real world, scientists are going back and forth and back again about how they got there and where they came from. In your setting, just make the portal that brought them in from Elsewhere open up again.
Post by mao on Nov 14, 2019 6:53:02 GMT -5
Hexenritter Verlag What I am struck by is that maybe you should consider a limited number of monster types, limiting to the ones you have mentioned above. Tribal variations are desired. Also seems like dragons could be all huge and party killing. What did you see as how you would handle adventurers and their exploits? Is this a sandbox or encounter based? Very nice stuff. As to the race question, I repeat that you will be challenged finding players from your rules(ie OD&D) so I think you should keep elves and dwarves.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 14, 2019 18:36:29 GMT -5
Hexenritter Verlag What I am struck by is that maybe you should consider a limited number of monster types, limiting to the ones you have mentioned above. Tribal variations are desired. Also seems like dragons could be all huge and party killing. What did you see as how you would handle adventurers and their exploits? Is this a sandbox or encounter based? Very nice stuff. As to the race question, I repeat that you will be challenged finding players from your rules(ie OD&D) so I think you should keep elves and dwarves. I was limiting the monsters to those in the 3LBB plus maybe a few iconic monsters that were statted out in the supplements. Dragons are huge and party killing machines. The campaigns will be sandbox style. I will consider using the traditional races, plus a few new home brew races.
Post by The Perilous Dreamer on Nov 14, 2019 19:05:57 GMT -5
Hexenritter Verlag What I am struck by is that maybe you should consider a limited number of monster types, limiting to the ones you have mentioned above. Tribal variations are desired. Also seems like dragons could be all huge and party killing. What did you see as how you would handle adventurers and their exploits? Is this a sandbox or encounter based? Very nice stuff. As to the race question, I repeat that you will be challenged finding players from your rules(ie OD&D) so I think you should keep elves and dwarves. I was limiting the monsters to those in the 3LBB plus maybe a few iconic monsters that were statted out in the supplements. Dragons are huge and party killing machines. The campaigns will be sandbox style. I will consider using the traditional races, plus a few new home brew races. Another thing to remember is since you have the Orks fighting with humans for control of continents and the world, you need to play them consistent with that in any encounters. What are you shooting for magic wise? Common, rare or inbetween? In terms of items, I mean.
Post by The Perilous Dreamer on Nov 14, 2019 19:11:31 GMT -5
What are the source of the homebrew races? Did they come through the seals the same as the orks and monsters? Are they hereditary enemies of the orks and monsters that followed them here?
Post by mao on Nov 15, 2019 10:03:02 GMT -5
Hexenritter Verlag What I am struck by is that maybe you should consider a limited number of monster types, limiting to the ones you have mentioned above. Tribal variations are desired. Also seems like dragons could be all huge and party killing. What did you see as how you would handle adventurers and their exploits? Is this a sandbox or encounter based? Very nice stuff. As to the race question, I repeat that you will be challenged finding players from your rules(ie OD&D) so I think you should keep elves and dwarves. I was limiting the monsters to those in the 3LBB plus maybe a few iconic monsters that were statted out in the supplements. Dragons are huge and party killing machines. The campaigns will be sandbox style. I will consider using the traditional races, plus a few new home brew races. I can't believe we talked about "Wizards" and nobody brought up mutants. You gottta add mutants, although you could fill that niche w Orks. I usually call mutants goblins.
Post by Mighty Darci on Nov 19, 2019 1:27:49 GMT -5
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 19, 2019 22:23:51 GMT -5
I was limiting the monsters to those in the 3LBB plus maybe a few iconic monsters that were statted out in the supplements. Dragons are huge and party killing machines. The campaigns will be sandbox style. I will consider using the traditional races, plus a few new home brew races. Another thing to remember is since you have the Orks fighting with humans for control of continents and the world, you need to play them consistent with that in any encounters. What are you shooting for magic wise? Common, rare or inbetween? In terms of items, I mean. I will keep the struggles between Humans and Orks as consistent as possible. Magic items are rare as they are mostly lost in ruins, though certain technologies are still fairly common, but they in the vein of magic powered rail, airships, printing presses and sewing machines.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 19, 2019 22:29:32 GMT -5
What are the source of the homebrew races? Did they come through the seals the same as the orks and monsters? Are they hereditary enemies of the orks and monsters that followed them here? Some races came through portals, while others were created via magical bioengineering. Some are enemies of some monsters. The chief rival of Orks are their own kin, as they are split into two main subraces the feral Elfin Orks and the corrupted chaotic Orks - wretched chaos tainted mutants.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 19, 2019 22:30:26 GMT -5
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 29, 2019 23:37:28 GMT -5
I plan on revising the above outline to be less of a Eberron clone and replace the Elfin Empire with a near Demi-God-like alien race’s global empire instead.
Post by raikenclw on Nov 30, 2019 4:48:24 GMT -5
I plan on revising the above outline to be less of a Eberron clone and replace the Elfin Empire with a near Demi-God-like alien race’s global empire instead. Possible twist: It's been many generations since anyone has actually seen one of their alien overlords. Yet tribute is still collected and disrespect still punished . . . most of the time. One of the setting secrets which the PCs can discover is that their alien masters actually died out long ago, save for a single now-lich survivor. For the rest, a servitor race of iron golems have been maintaining a facade, acting out their last set of orders.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Nov 30, 2019 22:56:02 GMT -5
I plan on revising the above outline to be less of a Eberron clone and replace the Elfin Empire with a near Demi-God-like alien race’s global empire instead. Possible twist: It's been many generations since anyone has actually seen one of their alien overlords. Yet tribute is still collected and disrespect still punished . . . most of the time. One of the setting secrets which the PCs can discover is that their alien masters actually died out long ago, save for a single now-lich survivor. For the rest, a servitor race of iron golems have been maintaining a facade, acting out their last set of orders. That actually is a brilliant idea and one that I might use at least the basic premise, thanks raikenclw.
Post by raikenclw on Nov 30, 2019 23:39:07 GMT -5
Possible twist: It's been many generations since anyone has actually seen one of their alien overlords. Yet tribute is still collected and disrespect still punished . . . most of the time. One of the setting secrets which the PCs can discover is that their alien masters actually died out long ago, save for a single now-lich survivor. For the rest, a servitor race of iron golems have been maintaining a facade, acting out their last set of orders. That actually is a brilliant idea and one that I might use at least the basic premise, thanks raikenclw . You are welcome! I have a very twisty mind, at least when it comes to game plots. One of the players in my college group explained it to a new victim thusly: "Just when you think you've got the plot figured out, you discover that you've only peeled back another layer of the onion."
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Dec 5, 2019 17:31:13 GMT -5
Here is another idea for a setting I had been considering. I am keeping my options open so I am still pursuing the previous idea, but I wanted to share this setting idea with you guys here instead of starting a new thread.
The Wilds of Orskog and the Beyond
The Wilds of Orskog –
The Wilds of Orskog is a vast land of rolling forest cloak hills, river vales and vegetation choked and monster haunted ruins. Elves dominate the Great Raven Wood, while the Dwarfs cling to the Brakkan Downs and are ruled by the Langbar Clan. Saar (also known as Half-lings) dwell in a fertile vale near the Raven Wood, they are defended by the Elves of the Wood and their own militia. Humans of the Wilds of Orskog are Valen Folk along the Reaver Coast, Goðan Folk along the western edge of the Wilds, the Druidic Order of Sol Invictus provides to most of the spiritual needs of these folk; while the bulk of the humans are pale skinned and red haired Gwyran Folk – a boisterous and gregarious folk of barbarians, bandits and even pirates among the southern coast. They also make up the bulk of the populace of the main fortified town in the Wilds – East Haven, its twin lies to the west in The Western Reaches known as West Haven. The rest of the population of East Haven are Hálen Folk of the Principality of Hália, Iðkaarii Nomads and a collection of South Lander merchants, outcasts and mercenaries; plus a sizable population of Hobz & elfin-blooded Varda Folk.
The Beyond –
The Northern Sword Lands of Valgaard –
The Northern Sword Lands of Valgaard is the dominion of fur clad horned helmeted chaos worshipping pirates and Barbarian tribes, as well as numerous and varied fell monsters. They raid the northern coast of the Iðkaar Peninsula (including the northern regions of the ‘Wilds of Orskog’. Valgaard is also home to the Law Worshipping Elves of the Great Valphanar Forest. The Valen Folk of Valgaard are tall robust pale skinned, blonde haired & blue eyed barbarians who like in fortified tribal villages, those who are not aligned with Chaos either flee to the south or east or are doomed to slavery and worse. They are named after the corrupted demi-God Válur, the forebear of their tribe. Those Valen Folk found in the Wilds of Orskog are mercenaries, bandits or free-man traders dwelling in villages and towns that dot the Wilds or the Principality of Halia just east of the Halveron Downs (home to the Ruins of Halvner and the Ork’s that call them home).
The Principality of Halia –
The Principality of Halia is the bastion of Law in eastern Iðkaar Peninsula and home to the northern branch of the Catholic Church of Light, imported by a South Lander Warrior Priest – Father Margû. The principality is named after Hál the demi-god forbear of the Halite tribe who was a principle member of the Orskoggað tribal alliance that settled within what would become the Orskog Provence of the old Arkhonian Empire. The Halen Folk are related to both the Valen, Gwyran & Goðan Folk, they are tall pale sturdy folk with hair that ranges from straw blonde to dirty blonde coloration and their eyes range from icy blue to jade green to hazel. They are generally a Lawful folk and most are pious followers of the Catholic Church of Light, though they have been known to produce a fair number of chaos worshippers and broadminded misfits.
Prince Halborn the III rules his realm nominally with an even hand but doesn’t tolerate incursions of Chaos – such threats are rooted out once discovered. The Rangers of Halia are a militant monastic order that wanders the borderlands of the principality hunting Valen raiders, Hags, Warlocks and Chaotic Cults seeking to infest their realm. The Templars of the Holy Order of Halios, serves to bolster the defense of the realm, often assisting the Rangers of Halia in their duty, but expand their range beyond its borders into the Wilds and beyond.
The Western Reaches of Iðkaar –
The Western Reaches of Iðkaar is mountainous and hilly wilderness to the west of the Wilds of Orskog. It was once called the Provence of Þarjûn the northernmost Provence of the Arkhonian Empire. The ruins of the City of Þarjûn is now a tainted fiend plagued hell-scape, of blighted twisted vegetation. Though there are some small bastions of Law in this region they are spread far apart and mostly on the southern coast. The Druids of Iðkaar range throughout the Reaches trying to heal the land & fight the corruption of Chaos in the region. The folk of this region are the Goðan Folk who fled south into the Iðkaar Peninsula along with non-Chaotic Valen Folk and the Halen Folk that formed the Orskoggað tribal alliance that invaded the Iðkaar Peninsula near the end of the Arkhonian Empire. They drove the Arkhonian Imperials & native Iðkaarii Folk south into the South Lands and Isle of Arghêsôs.
The South Lands of Khâladûr –
The South Lands of Khâladûr are south of the Iðkaar Peninsula and encompasses the rest of the southern portion of the Khâladûr continent. It is home to isolated city-states, petty kingdoms, principalities and duchies; as well as monster haunted wilds and ruins. The region is also plagued by barbarian tribes – both human & inhuman. The southern coast is also known as Slaver Coast, as slave ships ply their waters bringing slaves north and west from the southern continent Jandîgar and the eastern continent of Mong-Šûl. The humans of the South Lands are diverse in culture and complexion from the pale Hálen Folk to the highly mixed Midlanders who often run from pale to tanned skinned, sandy blonde to dark brown haired peoples; while those to the far south run from lightly tanned to dusky skinned and black haired Zantu mixed folk.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Dec 5, 2019 22:00:29 GMT -5
Preface: I have to edit the post above tomorrow or the next time I get online. I didn’t see the mistakes before I posted the write up and can’t edit properly on my phone.
In my previous post I gave you a glimpse into another of my potential campaign settings and tried to give it more character than the more general write up for the World of Ranûk. This one is inspired by OD&D and it’s core tropes, but is less gonzo than my other setting. In the World of Ranûk things are more open to the gonzo science fantasy found in the Dying Earth series many of the early adventure modules TSR published.
In the Wilds of Orskog things are more grounded in more traditional Tolkien-esque D&D campaign settings like Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms and Mystara/The Known World. Whereas in the World of Ranûk the traditional racial level and class limits were up in the air as I was and am still trying to decide what direction to go in, I planned to give the players other options. In the Wilds of Orskog the race and class limits are hardwired into the setting concept and any new race will you also similarly limited.
I will post more later now off to watch a drawing stream on YouTube.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Dec 10, 2019 12:00:22 GMT -5
I am likely going to end up focusing on the Wilds of Orskog setting-wise but still develop the World of Ranûk when I have time and the inspiration to do so. I’ve made this decision largely after replying to a post by The Perilous Dreamer in my new project thread. The reasoning is the fact that I want my other project to hew as close as possible to OD&D and Chainmail, thus my choice in setting to focus on at this time. I will likely start revisions of my Wilds of Orskog to fit the vibe of my other project but any changes will be fairly minor as it is already highly informed by OD&D based tropes, but I want the setting to also be informed by Chainmail and it’s Fantasy Supplement... within reason as not everything translates into OD&D from the war game side. I will create a new sub forum in my Multiverse of Akar forum to post about this project further.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Dec 15, 2019 20:51:42 GMT -5
I have reconsidered the rules that I will use for the Wilds of Orskog and it will be developed with B/X D&D or Old School Essentials instead of OD&D/Chainmail. The World of Ranûk will be revised to be more gonzo and I will develop new races to replace the standard Traditional D&D races and be using the OD&D/Chainmail rules.