Post by onerom on Aug 27, 2018 15:24:25 GMT -5
I didn't know Arduin, it's a serious lack for my rpg culture! I will try to understand what it is and to find the reading material.
Post by ripx187 on Aug 27, 2018 20:06:28 GMT -5
I didn't know Arduin, it's a serious lack for my rpg culture! I will try to understand what it is and to find the reading material. You and me both, brother. I've heard of it, and I know Hargrave's name, but little else. I am not a gonzo kind of guy . . . . or at least I know that I do not like the word gonzo to describe my work, but this is important stuff which was independent of what was going on in Minnesota and Lake Geneva, and many respectable folks swear that it is required reading.
Post by mormonyoyoman on Aug 27, 2018 21:19:21 GMT -5
Maybe not required - but definitely a remedy to the over-seriousness that too much of rolegaming became after 0DnD. Steve Jackson noted that there wasn't room for Silly in modern rolegaming - and that was back in 1983. Any more, it seems one has to start out with a witty rpg (Toon and Paranoia come to mind.) or else check one's sense of humor and irony at the door.
I don't know how Arneson would have been able to cope.
Post by El Borak on Aug 27, 2018 22:52:04 GMT -5
I didn't know Arduin, it's a serious lack for my rpg culture! I will try to understand what it is and to find the reading material. The original Arduin Trilogy has been retypeset and produced as a single volume. The contents are supposed to be the original, just a lot easier to read. Arduin Grimoire Trilogy Watermarked PDF $49.99 Sale priced $23.99 or $8.00 per volume. Emperors Choice has a website that lists all the products but the site has been inactive for two or three years, so don't try to buy there, just at RPG now. The main thing to remember is that this is a mishmash of ideas, some brilliant, some good, some OK, some that are ?? and others that are _____. So it is something for everybody and then stuff.
Post by ripx187 on Aug 27, 2018 23:58:26 GMT -5
Maybe not required - but definitely a remedy to the over-seriousness that too much of rolegaming became after 0DnD. Steve Jackson noted that there wasn't room for Silly in modern rolegaming - and that was back in 1983. Any more, it seems one has to start out with a witty rpg (Toon and Paranoia come to mind.) or else check one's sense of humor and irony at the door. I don't know how Arneson would have been able to cope. That is why Steve Jackson should leave the things that matter most to the hands of the people who really matter, the hobbyist.
Post by mormonyoyoman on Aug 28, 2018 0:11:32 GMT -5
Steve was actually speaking for a return of humor and wildness to rolegaming. Sorry if I made him sound like a stuffed shirt.
Post by Harry Wolf on Aug 28, 2018 23:13:30 GMT -5
Great informative thread.
Post by El Borak on Aug 30, 2018 14:08:34 GMT -5
Let us know how the project goes onerom.
Post by onerom on Aug 30, 2018 14:32:36 GMT -5
Let us know how the project goes onerom . For the moment I'm not moving forward with the project. I had a few difficult days, my father and my father-in-law had health problems. In any case I'm going to read Arduin, maybe to add it on my game. I'm going to collect various materials in an eclectic way. Thank you for the commercial links, by the way, although I much prefer the paper material (the old school is the old school!) In these days I also have browsed Tekumel, I own some manuals of the early 80s, it's very complex as I remembered it, I don't know if it can be used as a source of inspiration. I still don't know what map to use, I'm still thinking about it.
Post by Hexenritter Verlag on Aug 30, 2018 15:22:15 GMT -5
Let us know how the project goes onerom . For the moment I'm not moving forward with the project. I had a few difficult days, my father and my father-in-law had health problems. In any case I'm going to read Arduin, maybe to add it on my game. I'm going to collect various materials in an eclectic way. Thank you for the commercial links, by the way, although I much prefer the paper material (the old school is the old school!) In these days I also have browsed Tekumel, I own some manuals of the early 80s, it's very complex as I remembered it, I don't know if it can be used as a source of inspiration. I still don't know what map to use, I'm still thinking about it. I am not suggesting that you do mix in Tekumel into your world, just that Chirine Bakal's blog might be a resource of inspiration for using miniatures in your Old School RPGs as he loves using miniatures and terrain in his roleplaying campaigns.
Post by El Borak on Aug 30, 2018 16:26:17 GMT -5
Let us know how the project goes onerom . For the moment I'm not moving forward with the project. I had a few difficult days, my father and my father-in-law had health problems. In any case I'm going to read Arduin, maybe to add it on my game. I'm going to collect various materials in an eclectic way. Thank you for the commercial links, by the way, although I much prefer the paper material (the old school is the old school!) In these days I also have browsed Tekumel, I own some manuals of the early 80s, it's very complex as I remembered it, I don't know if it can be used as a source of inspiration. I still don't know what map to use, I'm still thinking about it. Sorry to hear about the health problems in your family and I hope that all goes well with that. We have a thread Members and Loved Ones Health and other Serious Matters where we share (if we want to) about these kinds of things in each others lives and we encourage each other. You are very welcome to be part of that if you want to. Take your time on your campaign setting and just do what feels right for you and it will be.
Post by onerom on Aug 30, 2018 16:56:08 GMT -5
For the moment I'm not moving forward with the project. I had a few difficult days, my father and my father-in-law had health problems. In any case I'm going to read Arduin, maybe to add it on my game. I'm going to collect various materials in an eclectic way. Thank you for the commercial links, by the way, although I much prefer the paper material (the old school is the old school!) In these days I also have browsed Tekumel, I own some manuals of the early 80s, it's very complex as I remembered it, I don't know if it can be used as a source of inspiration. I still don't know what map to use, I'm still thinking about it. Sorry to hear about the health problems in your family and I hope that all goes well with that. We have a thread Members and Loved Ones Health and other Serious Matters where we share (if we want to) about these kinds of things in each others lives and we encourage each other. You are very welcome to be part of that if you want to. Take your time on your campaign setting and just do what feels right for you and it will be. A really nice initiative, thanks.
Post by El Borak on Aug 30, 2018 20:34:59 GMT -5
Post by Keyone1234 on Sept 1, 2018 18:13:29 GMT -5
Dave Arneson had Sci fi in his campaign within the first year in 1971. If you look at the copy right on your personal OD&D, you will see this exists much earlier. And if you look at OD&D you see strange things like white apes in the wandering monster charts. Those wandering monster charts are boss examples of how it's done, but you should go make your own.
Post by docsammy on Sept 12, 2018 17:52:34 GMT -5
I must admit that I love the concepts behind the "Implied Setting" of OD&D as outlined by Outdoor Survival and the information found in "The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures"
Post by True Black Raven on Sept 17, 2018 17:38:13 GMT -5
Cool thread. I love this kind of thinking and exploring.